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Feel relaxed with every sip of herbal coffee

Drinking coffee has many health benefits and, since it is usually the first thing we consume every day in the morning, why not add herbs to it to get a dose of the nutritional benefits and make coffee beneficial for our health. A morning cup of tea or coffee boosts your energy and keeps you active the rest of the day. There are many spices and herbs with many potential health benefits we use in our food and beverages. At Evoragreens, we are the best seller of various varieties of easy dip coffee and we also provide a powerful wellness combination of herbal coffee as well. By using various herbs and spices, we just not add flavor to our food and drinks but also get essential nutrients that bring great benefits to the body.


Cinnamon brings a wonderful tangy sweetness to your coffee and it is good for our hearts and skin. It nicely complements almost all coffees flavors. It boosts your immune system and protects you from seasonal colds, lowers your blood sugar, and even protects you from heart disease. Add the right ground cinnamon powder to your cup of coffee to get more energy.

Coconut milk

If you are lactose intolerant, cutting out dairy for dietary purposes, or just want a low-calorie milk alternative, coconut milk is the perfect add-on. You just need to add one or two tablespoons of organic, unsweetened coconut to black coffee or any type of coffee, and if you want some extra sweet, you can add some maple syrup, vanilla extract and cinnamon are great with this too.

Ashwagandha powder

Ashwagandha powder is an excellent way to make morning coffee with an extra punch. It helps in relieving stress, increase energy levels, and improve concentration. Sprinkle 1-2 tsp into your coffee or you can mix it with some cinnamon, vanilla extract, and coconut milk for some more twist. Mix these all together to get a perfectly frothy, nutrient-rich cup of joy.


Cardamom is another spice that offers a wide range of potential health benefits. It adds a lovely warmth to your coffee, a touch of spice, and a gentle smooth aroma. Cardamom gives coffee an appealing flavor similar to ginger and is rich in nutrients. Add a pinch or two into a cup of brewed coffee and you will get a surprising flavor.


Ginger brings a surprisingly sweet, slightly spicy, smooth taste to your cup of coffee. Ginger pairs best with great roasted coffees that have a touch of sweetness. Closely related to turmeric, ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and a high level of antioxidants.


Turmeric is one of the most popular spices used in our various food and drinks. It has many health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial benefits that help in reducing pain and improves digestion. Turmeric is always good to pair with coffee. Turmeric also relieves us from stress and protects our bodies from chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.


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